Long Story Short

Silvadesigners e Manifesto juntos para debater o futuro do design editorial, a nova exposição a solo de Vhils e as datas para o XX Festival CCP - Clube de Criativos de Portugal.
Silvadesigners together with Manifesto discuss the future of editorial design, Vhils' new solo exhibition and the dates for the upcoming XX Festival CCP - Clube de Criativos de Portugal.

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Long Story Short

a nova imagem de This is Pacifica, as Hairy Legs da GUR em parceria com a Fabrica Features Lisboa e o novo projeto da experimenta, a Lisbon Gallery - Design&Architecture.
This is Pacifica new identity, GUR's Hairy Legs in partnership with Fabrica Features and the new experimentadesign project, the Lisbon Gallery.

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